Healthcare Webinars
Strategy Alignment: Drive Strategy from the Top and Results Will Deliver to the Bottom Line
Leaders Taking Lean to the Next Level: One Hospital's Journey
Constraints Management: A Force Multiplier for Healthcare Performance Improvement
The Physician's Perspective on Performance Improvement
Medication Reconciliation: A Big Pill to Swallow
Federal Government Healthcare Leaders: Case Study
Strategy Alignment:
Drive Strategy from the Top and Results Will Deliver to the Bottom Line
It’s time to consider how your strategic and operational goals will lead your organization to achieve the mission, vision and core business functions needed to be in business. If your organization is like most, you may have not changed your strategies for several years.
So how do you prepare and enter into this new dynamic time?
To find out, please join Deborah Smith PhD, MBB, MCF, Senior VP of Healthcare at NOVACES to understand the best practice tools and techniques that can make a monumental difference in your performance and help to drive highly productive strategies in 2012-2013.
Available On Demand. Click register to view now.
Leaders Taking Lean to the Next Level: One Hospital's Journey
This case study webinar highlights the deployment of an advanced performance improvement program at a New York hospital system. Join Master Black Belts and healthcare leaders Dan Chauncey and Deborah Smith to hear first-hand about the incredible transformation that the hospital achieved.
Learn how the hospital successfully used our JumpStart workshop and Lean Six Sigma to prioritize more than 100 improvement opportunities and to create a deployment plan in less than 14 days. During the webinar, the presenters will also discuss:
How to address the two primary reasons for difficulties with sustaining improvements
Examples of the improvements that were generated in the first 90 days including, a reduction of CMS Core Measure Failures for CHF from 30% to 13% and a 44% improvement in ED LOS.
How the effort produced a positive return on investment within 90 days
Available On Demand. Click register to view now.
Contraints Management: A Force Multiplier for Healthcare Performance Improvement
Constraints Management is virtually unknown as a performance improvement method in U.S. hospitals. In this dynamic webinar, learn how integrating Lean Six Sigma with Constraints Management yields 10 to 20 times greater returns on investment than Lean and Six Sigma alone.
Based on the newly released book "Performance Improvement for Healthcare," healthcare leader will learn how process improvement methods such as Lean, Six Sigma and Constraints Management can be used together to achieve strategies for improving the patient experience, reducing the cost of care, exceeding benchmarks for quality measures, preparing for Value Based Purchasing, and meeting Meaningful Use goals.
Date: TBD (Check back soon for the next broadcast of this live webinar!)
Time: TBD
Medication Reconciliation: A Big Pill to Swallow
How One Project is Putting a Dent in One of Healthcare's Toughest Problems
Join this case study presentation of how one hospital has learned to operate with a new understanding of medication reconciliation. The results have been remarkable and Vickie will share key findings of her project including:
- the most critical (and surprising) causes of medication reconciliation errors
- which types of solutions work, and which solutions did not
- some approaches to pilot and implement such large, enterprise-wide changes
In the first improvement pilot, although the census was lower than expected, there was not a single error. Now, the improvements have been fully implemented and the presenter will walk you through how the team did it and how one innovative solution enabled the team to generate $1.3 million in new revenue to pay for all the changes.
Available On Demand. Click register to view now.
The Physician's Perspective on Performance Improvement
Join Charles Mount, director of healthcare services, and special guest Robert Halder, MD, Rear Admiral (Ret.), United States Navy, for this webinar that focuses on how to achieve buy-in and involvement from physicians when it comes to performance improvement. Learn how to understand and apply the principles of WIIFM, gain insight on how physicians think about this topic, and find out ways to improve their level of involvement.
Date: TBD (Check back soon for another broadcast of this live webinar!)
Time: TBD
Federal Government Healthcare Leaders: Case Study
Join Robert Halder, MD, RADM USN (Ret) and Charles Mount, RN, Captain USN (Ret), Director of Government Healthcare for NOVACES as they walk you through a clinical case study in which the application of Value Stream Analysis yielded numerous spin-off improvement projects.
This was made possible because the leadership led with an open mind, understanding that project selection was the key to success as much as applying the correct methodologies and tools.
They will also show the synergies between VA TAMMCS and modern, robust performance improvement methodologies for a deeper understanding of the common Performance Excellence themes in the VA Strategic Plan Refresh 2011-15, the Secretary's Sixteen Transformational Initiatives, and the Joint VA-DOD Strategic Plan.
These are the same methodologies currently being used by VISN 8 and the VA Hospitals in Pensacola, Tampa Bay, Bay Pines, Fargo and the James A. Lovell FHCC in North Chicago to successfully deploy VA TAMMCS in a standardized fashion.
Available On Demand. Click register to view now.
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