Category: Constraints Management
Improving Project Portfolio Performance with Buffers
View the TOCICO 2015 presentation “Improving Project Portfolio Performance with Buffer-Type Flexibility and Task-level DBR”
Utah’s SUCCESS Framework on the Inside, for Success on the Outside
View the “Working with the SUCCESS Framework on the Inside, for Success on the Outside” presentation at TOCICO 2015.
See a video clip of our presentation at TOCICO
NOVACES and its collaborators are excited to have been selected for several presentations at 2015 TOCICO in Cape Town. Below is information about one of our presentations or click here to watch a promo video. Improving Project Portfolio Performance with Buffer-Type Flexibility and Task-level DBR Bahadir Inozu, Ph.D., NOVACES, LLC Mike Hannan, Fortezza Consulting Hilbert […]
The key to sustaining change is FOCUS
I want to talk about the current state of Lean, Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma initiatives as it relates to sustainment. The Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI) conducts annual surveys on the subject of how well Lean implementations are going. Considering the last three surveys (2004, 2005, and 2006), the results do not paint a […]
NOVACES Scheduled to Present Jointly with Three Clients at the 2014 TOCICO Conference
NOVACES will make three joint presentations at the 2014 Theory of Constraints International Certification Organization (TOCICO) Conference with the State of Utah, St. Alexius Medical Center and Turkish Airlines Technic. The presentations are reports of projects conducted at the client organizations, which include applications of Theory of Constraints tools including Critical Chain Project Management, Dynamic […]
Using Current Reality Tree to Reduce Billing Errors for a Healthcare Client
In my last posting I told you I would take a look at some other performance metrics and see how they impact our improvement efforts. I’m going to delay that posting because I want to share an experience I had with one of my healthcare client’s teams. Although I won’t go into the details of […]
Why Efficiency Metrics Mislead Us
In the next few postings I want to talk about some of the basics of Continuous Improvement (CI). Not the tools of CI, but rather more of a strategic viewpoint. In other words, some of the principles and guidelines I use in my work which has provided me with a strategy that I can honestly […]
Throughput Accounting at Pittsburgh International
The other day I was having a conversation at the Pittsburgh airport with a man that was carrying a copy of my book Epiphanized. He had so many questions for me and I was worried that I would miss my flight back to Georgia. I must admit that most of the questions were quite good […]
Update #2 on Emergency Department “Door to Doc” Time
The Emergency Department improvement team began developing their current state process map and found out very early on that imagining their process and getting it down on paper was not an easy task. There were disagreements for sure on how the actual process looks, but the most difficult thing was deciding how to map out […]
A Gift of a Good Book and an Epiphany
I want to share a story about a very powerful and influential gift that was given to me… a copy of ‘The Goal’ by Eli Goldratt. As I read ‘The Goal’ I began to visualize how I could apply the many lessons I had read about. I asked myself, “Could I actually utilize Goldratt’s teachings […]