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Category: Webinars


UPCOMING WEBINAR 3/13 – Constraints Management: A Force Multiplier for Healthcare Performance Improvement

Submitted By: Brian MacClaren

Constraints Management A Force Multiplier for Healthcare Performance Improvement Join this dynamic webinar by registering here. When a hospital is presented with major regulatory changes that can impact revenues and margins, a robust performance improvement program must be part of the solution. However, not all programs are created equal. Take a look at an example […]


WEBCAST tomorrow – “Change the Rules: How Leaders Can Overcome the Three Biggest Project Management Challenges”

Submitted By: Brian MacClaren

Breakthroughs in project performance can be achieved in these two ways: (1) Improve upon what you are currently doing; and (2) Change the rules by which you manage projects. The rules created as a result of the three biggest project management challenges have caused you to falsely limit your organization’s potential for excellence. By understanding […]


Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare: The Unexpected Value-Adds

Submitted By: Brian MacClaren

Implementing a healthcare lean Six Sigma process and performance improvement program in your hospital will result in several surprising value-adding benefits. While these unexpected outcomes are by-products of the larger initiative objectives, they create just as much long-term value. Unexpected healthcare process and performance improvement training benefits: Increased visibility into otherwise unnoticed healthcare processes. Healthcare […]


Cut lead time on major construction projects by 20% or more

Submitted By: Brian MacClaren

In Necessary But Not Sufficient, Dr. Eli Goldratt provided some guidelines to help us evaluate and leverage the introduction of a new technology. He reasoned that a new technology can bring new benefits if and only if it enables people to overcome one or more limitations of existing technologies. What is limiting major construction and […]


Hospital Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement: The Most Important Piece of Your 2012 Budget

Submitted By: Brian MacClaren

 The most successful healthcare organizations know this: Increasing revenue is always good, but cutting costs with a red pen is not always the answer. Implementing healthcare lean Six Sigma training practices is not as scary as it sounds, and improving hospital processes can significantly increase profitability and impact your bottom line.  In fact, hundreds of healthcare […]


Register for an Upcoming Webinar on Healthcare and Hospital Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement

Submitted By: Brian MacClaren
Categories: Headlines | Healthcare | Webinars

NOVACES’ healthcare and hospital lean and six sigma process and performance improvement experts offer a series of complimentary webinars to share industry best practices.

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