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Category: Leading Change


Maintaining Business Continuity in Crisis – COVID-19

Author: Paul Dean, NOVACES (Washington, D.C.) Amidst the uncertainty of the current environment, the currency of information expires within a few short weeks, sometimes merely within days.  Indeed, the global outlook in February 2020 is entirely alien in the context of what we now know two months later.  However volatile our predicament may seem though, […]


5 Imperatives to Hiring a Lean Six Sigma Expert for Your Hospital

Submitted By: Brian MacClaren
Categories: Healthcare | Leading Change

Hiring an expert is often one of the first steps taken by hospitals embarking upon a Lean Healthcare or Lean Six Sigma program. Usually a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt is chosen to develop the program. Unfortunately, there are few Black Belts at large that actually have the Lean Six Sigma skills and healthcare experience […]


Cut lead time on major construction projects by 20% or more

Submitted By: Brian MacClaren

In Necessary But Not Sufficient, Dr. Eli Goldratt provided some guidelines to help us evaluate and leverage the introduction of a new technology. He reasoned that a new technology can bring new benefits if and only if it enables people to overcome one or more limitations of existing technologies. What is limiting major construction and […]


Performance Improvement Mistakes, Part 3: Get Leadership Buy-In

Submitted By: Brian MacClaren

How do you define leadership buy-in? Sometimes this means a simple thumbs-up from senior leadership. But is that enough if we aim to be a high performance organization? We like to help organizations move towards leadership engagement, because in the end it’s all about accountability. Leaders must drive any performance improvement program according to the […]


Is PDCA Enough?

Submitted By: Dan Chauncey

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”—ALBERT EINSTEIN Although plan-do-check-act (PDCA) was developed originally by the father of statistical quality control, Walter A. Shewhart, W. Edwards Deming, who was his student, later went on to develop Total Quality Management (TQM) and became a founding father […]

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