Category: Lean Six Sigma / CPI Training
Lean Healthcare Training Now Available for Local Healthcare Professionals in Georgia and Northern Florida
NOVACES will host a Lean Healthcare Training in Valdosta on September 24 thru 28. Rising pressure for medical facilities to become more efficient and to control costs is creating a need for professionals who can implement Lean Healthcare, a process improvement methodology that has proven to speed up the adoption of new ideas and change […]
Lean Six Sigma Healthcare Training Consultancy Introduces Hospitals & Medical Practices to Process, Quality & Performance Improvement Models Borrowed From Other Industries
For nearly 10 years, NOVACES has honed its expertise in performance and quality improvement across a variety of vertical industries that require people, processes and systems to interact with perfectly timed, budgeted and executed precision. Today, NOVACES is an international, award-winning lean six sigma healthcare training consultancy that applies its documented best practices to some […]
Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare: The Unexpected Value-Adds
Implementing a healthcare lean Six Sigma process and performance improvement program in your hospital will result in several surprising value-adding benefits. While these unexpected outcomes are by-products of the larger initiative objectives, they create just as much long-term value. Unexpected healthcare process and performance improvement training benefits: Increased visibility into otherwise unnoticed healthcare processes. Healthcare […]
Hospital Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement: The Most Important Piece of Your 2012 Budget
The most successful healthcare organizations know this: Increasing revenue is always good, but cutting costs with a red pen is not always the answer. Implementing healthcare lean Six Sigma training practices is not as scary as it sounds, and improving hospital processes can significantly increase profitability and impact your bottom line. In fact, hundreds of healthcare […]
Avoid 10 Common Mistakes in Lean Six Sigma and Healthcare Performance Improvement, Part 1
Having just arrived back from WCBF’s annual Lean, Six Sigma and Business Performance Improvement in Healthcare Summit in New Orleans, I can freshly recall the stories of various hospitals’ unique experiences with Lean Six Sigma implementations. Some had just begun; others had been working on it for three years or more. It’s exciting to hear […]